
There’s something about plants that I just adore. I love having them around me. They bring so much life and positive energy to a space, and can even lift the mood on a gloomy day.

This past spring, I embarked on an adventure to turn my thumb green, and fill my small abode with lush, green life. I was somewhat successful; eight months later, I can say my house feels so much more alive than before. My plants may be small, but I enjoy them so much.

As I continue to add to my collection, I want to keep in mind the West Texas climate, and try to buy plants that aren’t too sensitive to cold (yes, Texas does get bitterly cold in the winter, although not for too terribly long.) I previously bought most of my plants from Florida (I’d found some great deals on eBay) and since my house isn’t climate controlled, I now have to keep them all in the warmest part of the house so they don’t freeze to death on cold nights. Not a terrible inconvenience, but something to keep in mind for those of us who have drafty homes without central heat.

I’m enjoying the jungle-izing of my bathroom and bedroom for the moment though, and imagining how nice it will be when I have enough plants to fill every room of my house like this. I think I am addicted to keeping and acquiring plants! And it can’t hurt to have extra-clean air either 🙂